The Real Gist of Beauty

It is very true indeed that everyone has outer and inner beauty…but people nowadays are so much into looks, people think look defines everything…one even become accepted or rejected just based upon outer look. In this mass media time and culture, people are so much influenced by the media. People believe what the media... shows to be beauty… is what beauty is all about, and when one does not look like the models shown in the media, they become sort of like rejected, looked down upon and so on…the victims themselves feel down and bad about their own looks, for they have built their perception of beauty based upon media culture and what people think and talk in this media influenced modern society. 

Beauty is emanations emanated by the mind in different forms of love… not the illusion and perception created by media to manipulate our brains. But for those people, who look like just jumped out of the television popular culture, people just rally behind them no matter what kind of behavior or attitude they have.

People who are enlightened that they are not just body, but they are souls, divine beings….they work more on perfecting their inner beauty, they make their inner more and more beautiful every day. They shine with all their inner beauty (love, kindness, compassion and so on), and strive to show to the world what true beauty is all about. Through their good deeds… they strive to make people to realize … not that which will wrinkle and decay is where beauty is but…. what comes from within an enlightened soul, which has the ability to create everlasting positive impacts on humanity and nature around, is where beauty is, and what true beauty is about. Enlightened beings outshine all those who shine just with their outer beauty… and get the admiration of God and heavenly beings…and they function as light of inspiration for mankind.


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